At RPM we are deadly serious about getting our client’s tooling product to market on time, and on spec. And it turns out we’re a pretty dynamic bunch outside work hours too.
Mark Vincent
Sales & Marketing Director
Founding Shareholder. Qualified Tool Maker, loves the great outdoors, very keen fisherman and hunter – that is when he is not out drag racing in his top alcohol rail car.
Aaron Dwight
Manufacturing Director
Share holder, Qualified Tool Maker, spends his spare time – which is restricted only by his dedication to work and family – skiing in the winter and golfing in the drier months. Currently plays off a 14 handicap.
Jamie Hewlett
CNC Manager
Qualified Toolmaker with a competitive passion for engineering. Very keen boatie and enjoys a spot of golf.
Simon Eccleston
Design Manager
Qualified Tool maker with a graduate diploma in Technology (Mechatronics). Keen golfer and sportsman.
International Phone: +64 9 479 8844
International Fax: +64 9 479 8845
34 Apollo Drive, Rosedale 0632
P O Box 302 420
North Harbour, Auckland 0751
New Zealand